2023 ATC抗體藥物暨第18屆前瞻生醫新知研討會

2023 Antibody Therapeutic & Frontiers in Biomedical Sciences Conference

會議時間 Dates:
5/26 (五)、5/27 (六)
會議地點 Venue:




台灣抗體協會、中央研究院生醫轉譯研究中心主辦,財團法人台北市林榮耀教授學術教育基金會協辦,將於2023年5月26日至27日(星期五、六)假國家生技研究園區C棟2樓國際會議廳舉辦「2023 ATC抗體藥物研討會暨第18屆前瞻生物醫學科學新知研討會」。


On behalf of the Organizing Committee for 2023 Antibody Therapeutics Conference, we are honored to invite you to give a speech online at the 2023 Antibody Therapeutics Conference, which will be held on May 26th, 2023 onsite at International Convention Hall (Building C) of National Biotechnology Research Park in Taipei, Taiwan.

The applications of antibody therapeutics remain a growing research area today, especially in the treatment of cancers, immune-mediated diseases, and infectious diseases, indicating the critical pharmaceutical importance of antibody therapeutics. Particularly, immunotherapies including mRNA therapeutics, antibody-mediated tumor regression, checkpoint blockade, antibody drug conjugates (ADC), bispecific antibody, and chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy (CAR-T) are considered as highly potential strategies to cure cancers.

To leverage all of these achievement, this year the Antibody Therapeutics Conference (ATC) will focus on sharing the extended applications of Antibody.

Taiwan Antibody Association(TAA), the ATC organizer, was establishment back in 2012 with the mission to facilitate the research and industrial development of antibody drugs and related technologies in Taiwan. By hosting international conference, we aim to provide a platform for the attendees to connect and communicate, along with opportunities for students, postdoctoral fellows and other participants in the field to learn new knowledge and join discussion.

Last but not least, we hope this conference is able to stimulate interactions between senior experts and young scientists working on antibody therapeutics. We sincerely hope this annual event will contribute to the advancement of antibody therapeutics and you will find it informative, insightful and inspiring.